Adopted "Uncles"
Everyone probably has
someone they called aunt or uncle who isn't actually a relative. There have
been many of them in my life. A few of them were associated with my maternal
“Uncle” Harold had an
unusual and sad life. Harold’s family had a farm in Western New York
State. One day while his father was working in the fields his mother had a
mental breakdown. She sliced Harold’s hands, feet and stomach. She then
put his younger brother in a trunk and lastly killed herself. Harold’s
father saved him but his injuries left him a little slow witted. His brother
died before he was found. The father remarried and when another child came
along Harold’s stepmother lived up to the wicked stepmother character found in
children’s literature. My grandparents were kind to him and when they moved to
NJ and then to Florida, Harold followed them. We grandchildren were in awe of
him due to his immense size. Unfortunately Harold must have inherited his
mother’s mental problem because he spent a number of times in Florida’s mental
institution. I never remember him being unkind or anything but gentle.
“Uncle” Jim was another
unusual character. He had been in a high wire act in the circus. He had a fall
and his legs were pushed up into his pelvis so he was left with an odd walk. My
grandparents had met him when they lived in a trailer camp in Florida that had
quite a few circus people living there. “Uncle” Jim was down on his luck up in
his 80s and my grandparents took him into the family when they bought a
nineteenth century Florida house. With very high ceilings the staircase was
huge. They were so big that there was a small room under the stairs in the
foyer. That was Jim’s room. Whenever I see the movie with Harry Potter in his
little room under the stairs of his uncle’s house I think of “Uncle” Jim.
Another unusual fact about Jim, he used to put a rolled up pair of socks in his
pants in hopes of attracting the ladies.
While we may not be able
to pick our relatives we sometimes wish we had some say in who gets to be an
adopted relative.