Tuesday, January 28, 2014

52 Ancestors #4 Bonnie Selb - Codebreaker

My aunt, Bonalyn Wiedrich Selb joined the WAVES during WWII. She was selected for Project Ultra. This project was a secret project for breaking the coded German Enigma messages. She worked on an early computer called the Bombe. It was an exciting time in Washington DC. She was invited along with some other WAVES to have tea with Eleanor Roosevelt. No one in the family not even her husband, Leo know what she did in the war due to its top secret. Then in 1980 when the top secret was lifted she could tell us all.
Bonnie and I volunteered on the Battleship New Jersey Memorial Museum in Camden, NJ. Together we did a program about women in the military for the Girl's Encampment Program. She was loved by the girls and they all wanted their pictures taken with her. Me too! Below is our picture. Even though I'll be doing the program by myself she'll still be a part of it in my heart.

#52 Ancestors, #Bonalyn Selb, #Bonalyn Wiedrich, #Bonnie Selb, #Ultra Project, #WAVES, #Women in the Navy, #Codebreakers

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