Friday, February 21, 2020

Same Name

Naming is such a huge responsibility. When you name a child that name will more than likely stick for the rest of their life. Are you giving them the right name? Is this a name that will cause other people especially children will taunt them? I think about students I taught and think what their parents was thinking when they named this child. Just like Johnny Cash singing about a boy named Sue I remember a young man named Lynn. How many times did this great kid have to fight about his name?

Then there’s the confusion of naming a child after a family member. Among my relatives three generations named Charles Shoemaker Moore. This caused some family squabbles when my aunt wanted my parent’s future son named Charles Shoemaker Moore. My mom put her foot down saying he would not have the name Shoemaker It was baseball season and my dad said if it was a boy he would name him Terry Moore after the manager of the Phillies baseball team. As luck would have it my brother was prematurely born shortly after this squabble and so Terry Charles Moore was the name he was given.

Other same name relatives had found ways to differentiate who you were talking to or referring about. So, we had Big John and Little John (shades of Robing Hood), Big Helen and Little Helen, Big Margaretta and Baby Margaretta (awkward when she was a teenager).

My husband’s family penchant for the name William causes so much trouble when referring to one of them. My husband William is named for his father William and named his first-born son William.  Both of his grandfathers are named William. Two of his three known great grandfathers are named William. His sister married a William and has a son William. His mother’s brother is named William and he has a son and grandson William. I suspect there are more Williams lurking in the family tree.

#52 Ancestors, #52 Ancestors 2020, #Same name, #Charles Moore, #William Baker

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